Stuff I think I know

Like to find out about random things…so do I

My new blog explores the things/assumptions I believe. Setting myself a challenge in 365 days to proof 49 of my assumptions.

So check out my new blog Stuff I think I know‘. I have 15 assumptions I am working on so far, so please write in widely believed assumptions and if I too believe them I will attempt to proof them.

Remember to follow us to get all the latest content as its published.


Croatia by pictures

Horror…my tablet broke a few weeks ago so sorry for not posting. On the upside I have loads of new experiences to share. I’ll start with the beautiful Croatia. A few people have told me how nice it was, but I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’ll let you judge my experience…

View of old Town- Dubrovink


The views from the top of Dubrovnik


Plitvice Lake national park




What were your experiences of Croatia? what did you see? what did you do?

That dead sea in July

poem of genocide

I visited a country that deeply moved me today. I felt compelled to write this, I hope you enjoy.

I looked around at the sea of the dead.

Brothers, Sons and Fathers all swept away.

Left in the wake, white plaques with names from A to Z.


A survivors story of the long dead;

And Man’s broken promise to offer safe habour.


A tale of the great seas rage.

Over 8000 souls lost in its icy depths.


Now all that is left on the 11th July is rememberence.

A cautionary tale to be shared with Man.

And a final grim lesson to haunt our history.

Trapped by Culture

I tend to avoid anything with a political undertone, but this is article is a rant for new friends I have made.

In England and as a man I can be very selfish and to the most part with the right admin have the freedom do anything I want and I am defined mostly by my actions. In conclusion I am f***ing lucky.

Queue some friends I have met. Ms K which this rant is mainly about is smart, funny mutli-lingual, well travelled and extremely resourceful. Unfortunately her visa ran out and had to return to China. I keep in regular contact with her and feel for her. Now she isn’t defined by herself but her relationship status as single, from her home life to even job interviews. She has felt pressured to meet suitors who don’t see a lively smart Woman but someone who isn’t quiet and reserved.

Mr S is a pretty slick young man who was travelling around Oceania, he has an amazing youthful enthusiasm about him. Unfortunately he had to stop his adventure to serve mandatory military service. Despite the country he lives in not being involved in a war for a century.

The point of this slightly off key article is to really appreciate the freedoms you have. Rant over.


People you meet travelling part 2

This is a series of articles exploring the people I meet travelling and the lessons I have learnt.

Ms China- She had left China to work in New Zealand. She stayed for two years and explored everywhere in New Zealand. She would work a little, quit, travel and repeat. She made me consider an important question do I ever want/need to settle in one place? One I will think on for the next 9 months.

Ms Australia– She was a senior lawyer in Australia and had no work life balance. She quit her job to travel around Fiji and the Cook Islands. I mention this lady because although we got on she is a mirror of some aspects of my personality-argumentative, competitive and an obsession with being right. She has helped me to realise being right or winning the argument for the sake for winning is pointless.

Mr and Mrs Canada– They had a six and a one year old child. They decided to buy a camper van travelling from Canada, to USA, Mexico, and work their way down to South America. This couple was especially inspiring as I am living my life with minimum emotional bagguage for fear of being tied down. However this couple had the obligations but were still having their an adventure.

Who do you meet when traveling?

I wondered when I started this solo traveling adventure who will I meet and what lessons could I learn? This series of articles will be a spot light on those people.

Mr. Young Germany–  I traveled with this young man a few days, he had graduated school a year early, decided to defer university to travel. Unlike a lot of people his age he decided not to do it as part of a tour and go solo. He helped my realise I don’t have to be so tough on myself-be kind to yourself.

Mr. England– Worked in insurance and this was his third time taking a year to travel. I met him in Honolulu and he has a serious girlfriend who he lived with in Japan for 3 years. He helped my realise with the right partner you don’t have to feel trapped.

Ms. Germany– She had a similar story to myself- fell into a career, saved hard for a home and was working her way up the career ladder. Then like myself felt incredibly trapped by life, decided to make a dramatic change and find herself by traveling . Unlike me she still wanted some structure so has been doing causal Nanny work in the places she visits. She helped me reconfirm that I don’t need to always do what society expects of me.

Freedom one week later-reverting to a teenager

So I have been free, aka an unemployed bum, for a week.  How has it been?

Well I seem to have reverted to a teenager. I sleep for 10 hours a day, don’t care about anything practical, spend all day on my phone and getting spots… The first three are amazing, the fourth not so much. On a more serious note I got back from my hometown today so had my goodbye’s for 6 months with my family.

Back to the adventure then. So this time in 7 days I will be half way to Doha (my stopover) then to Auckland. I hear from the very talented foodie Connie the weather is amazing. Roll on icecream season.

“Its time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure”-Ernie Hawell



Faces of Reglan-loved this idea

Last weekend I went to Raglan for a mini holiday. The weather was beautiful and the people were kind, and I decided to do something a little different. Before I left I made it my goal to photograph at least 10 people I’d never met before and discover a bit about their story. I wanted […]

via Faces of Raglan Series – Part One — Project Grace – Real life stories of struggle, fear, hope and finding redemption in Love.

A little fear…

On Sunday I booked just over five months of flights (for those interested New Zealand, Hawaii, Fiji, Mexico, USA, Canada and back to London) and for the first time in this journey I felt a little bit of fear!!!


Since the start of this chapter of my life I quit my job, handed notice on my flat, gave the majority of my possessions to charity and told my Family of my decision. The only feelings so far has been excitement and relief. So why the fear now? I believe on reflection it’s because so far it’s about letting go of a life that didn’t work anymore, but travelling is embracing the new and it can be scary.

The point of today’s blog is fear is just another emotion we should embrace and helps us reflect on a situation. For me it helped reconfirm its ok not be certain of a new direction, but that shouldn’t stop us embracing the feeling.

A first lady has a good quote on the subject “Do one thing every day that scares you”- Eleanor Roosevelt


Changes that come with travel

How Does Travel Change You? My parents think I am crazy for wanting to just leave everything and travel the world. It is just not something they can comprehend. As I wrote about in my first post, I just have this incredible wanderlust. They don’t understand. They think I am irresponsible. I cannot […]

via Does Travel Make You A Better Person? I Think It Does — Change The Code